Zoe Outfitters - Timberline Team Consulting
Timberline Team Consulting provides businesses with advising for marketing programs, brand management, and strategy implementation. Dave Grout founded Timberline Team in 2005. Since 2005 the company has consulted with various non-profits, churches, schools, and more.
consulting, advising, marketing, brand management, strategy implementation, dave grout, grace college, timberline team, timberline, timberline team consulting
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Zoe Outfitters

Project Lead: Jeff Coffee
Title: Former President
Contact Info: 1- (541) 206-2450
Date Of Project: June 2016- August 2016

Problem:  Develop a brand from the ground up for a startup non-profit organization which desired to create an environment to build relationship through adventure experiences..

Project: Work with the president to define the products and offerings to be used in the marketing materials and launch the company

Results:  Foundational writings and documents of the brand/articulation of the essence of the product offerings; creative writing samples

 “Never have I worked with a company that was so dedicated to making our company successful. Not only was Timberline Team professional, they created a team atmosphere was fun, encouraging and engaging. They were able to step within our organization while articulating the clarity needed to move us forward. It was truly amazing engagement with no regrets”

–Jeff Coffee
Former CEO