Our Roots - Timberline Team Consulting
Timberline Team Consulting provides businesses with advising for marketing programs, brand management, and strategy implementation. Dave Grout founded Timberline Team in 2005. Since 2005 the company has consulted with various non-profits, churches, schools, and more.
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How we work for you
Are you ready to get your idea off the ground or move the next project forward? If so, what’s your first step? And more importantly, what’s the next one?
Timberline Team helps you start your journey, recognize its potential, and set the course. We know ambition has gotten you this far. But we know it’s often tough to put one foot in front of the next when you’re exploring new territory or launching a new campaign. Not to worry: we have walked the trail, seen the obstacles and know how to navigate the complexity before you.
That’s why we take a straightforward, client-based approach to our services. We communicate clearly, give you the answers that, although they may be uncomfortable, will get you to the place you want to be. Just as importantly, we share the load as we move together down the trail. Our teamwork takes many shapes and forms. Maybe it is facilitating a strategy meeting, building a contact flow process, designing a brochure, capturing your story through photography, developing a video to tell your story, or even creating creative content. In each case, we will create powerful, effective content to help move your organization down the path toward success.
So What’s The Difference? We do it WITH you.
Notice the “WITH”! That is what makes us different than your typical “Agency or Consulting Firm”. We work with you, bring the right people to the table, and help you in your process. Whether you need just a little nudge or a big lift – we respond to your needs. We can lift the whole project if you need us to, but we understand that your investment is key to long-term success.
Here is the other difference – we don’t have a huge staff that is always on the payroll. When you hire us, you hire just the people you need. We are professional, on point creators who work directly for you. This way, you keep the specialization and we keep your costs down and the bureaucracy to a minimum. Once a direction, need, or project is identified, one or several of our team members will work with you to walk with you toward completion.

Umbrella of Grace
We know that the other person is doing their best all the time. If a mistake happens, it is not due to lack of effort or because they “dropped the ball,” but rather because of a changing landscape. This is how we view people and situations: extending grace with humility to believe in a co-worker or organization.

Cover the Base
We do the majority of our work based on what is required and what generates the income. We will do whatever it takes—long hours, focused dedication, sacrifice and commitment—to the project in order to get the priority jobs done. Then we will seek new opportunities and service others as tenaciously as possible, but not until we know we can get the project completed.

Rigorously Honest
Rigorous honesty means being dedicated to speaking the truth while respecting the other person’s professionalism. We call out things without personal agenda, motive or ill-will. We’re dedicated to getting a project done by always addressing issues, situations and difficulties in order to expedite what is being accomplished or completed. Discomfort is sometimes part of the process, as we acknowledge that the larger agenda is of the utmost importance.

Bend Your Knees, Lift Together
We are not independent workers who only have our part to accomplish; we are soccer players who work together to advance the ball. No one can do a job solely by themselves. We need organizational, philosophical and emotional support to get a total project done. This mindset requires, demands and expects us to lock arms together to lift large projects and situations. We also know that it takes humility before others to truly accomplish amazing things.
From the Beginning
The early idea of Timberline Team began in the summer of 1984 from a small idea “seed.” Founder and president Dave Grout was seeking to make a difference and an impact at a very young age. Knowing that many people make life changing decisions while out in the woods, camping or traveling, Dave pursued education and a career in providing experiences for people to make core decisions.
It is the serenity of the outdoors which penetrates the soul and captures the heart to cause deep rooted change to take a different path. After providing these life changing experiences for over 1,000 staff and 250,000 guests, Timberline Team was born. We desire to help you, guide you, and provide for you the tools necessary that can take root and make lifelong business change and personal impact. We will take you to the tree tops to see the potential and guide you to achieve it. “If you can’t see the bottom line, look to the Timberline”.
Dave Grout is the CEO and founder of Timberline Team Consulting. He is your “go to” for the advice, analysis and wisdom you need to move your ideas forward. Dave is a veteran in the business of marketing, strategy, culture creation and campaign delivery. He assists corporations, nonprofit organizations and Universities develop their brand, create successful marketing tools and implement solid growth strategies.
Not only is Dave a leader and a mastermind of cultural development, but he’s also adamant about fostering relationships with clients and understanding their needs. His history as an innovator and connector make him the right person to bring on board for your future project.
Dave has a unique ability to listen, capture your thoughts, and bring them to a full circle with a comprehensive delivery approach. Dave can marshal a team of 2 or 200 to get just about anything accomplished and make you believe you’re still having fun after a 12 hour day. With over 20 years of consulting expertise guiding organizations to efficiency and clarity, Dave’s enthusiastic work ethic leads him to perform your work with commitment and excellence.