Rose Acre Farms - Timberline Team Consulting
Timberline Team Consulting provides businesses with advising for marketing programs, brand management, and strategy implementation. Dave Grout founded Timberline Team in 2005. Since 2005 the company has consulted with various non-profits, churches, schools, and more.
consulting, advising, marketing, brand management, strategy implementation, dave grout, grace college, timberline team, timberline, timberline team consulting
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Rose Acre Farms

Project Lead: Dr. Ruth Ann Hendrix
Title:  V.P. and Owner
Contact Info:
Date of Project: May 2004 – Nov 2005

Problem:  As an agricultural manufacture and producer of eggs, the company desired to have an influence and voice in publications/research to add credibility to its market position.

Project: Advising board direction and salmonella research

Results:  Produced literature and research for poultry literature clarifying the safety of eggs and their production.

 “Positive energy, accountability and integrity. David evaluates the situation, leading people forward thought difficult situations to a win / win for all. For me he earns the title “Mr. Accountability” with his confidence, perseverance and enthusiasm. He brings a positive outlook to all situations. If he lacks the required tool to help in a situation he finds one that works. Thankful to have worked with Timberline Team in both the not-for-profit and for-profit worlds over the years.”

–Dr. Ruth Ann Hendrix
Rose Acre Farms