Eureka College - Timberline Team Consulting
Timberline Team Consulting provides businesses with advising for marketing programs, brand management, and strategy implementation. Dave Grout founded Timberline Team in 2005. Since 2005 the company has consulted with various non-profits, churches, schools, and more.
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Eureka College

Project Lead: Mac Ingmire
Title: Former VP of Admissions
Contact Info:
Date Of Project: 2018 – 2020

Problem:  The College had no brand standards, ethos or voice and also had close to no visual assets – only 20 pictures in their creative archives.  They had no ownership to their collateral and limited design expertise to assist them with their admissions brochures, internal collateral and messaging.

Project: Implement a full brand assessment through 360* interviews and cultural review.  Build brand standards ethos and manual. Create student recruitment collateral.  Assist in building out a letter/communication system that would increase the connection between the school and potential students.

Results:  The board and school have their first-ever brand standards manual that is utilized throughout the whole campus. The school has called it “the best recruiting/admissions materials they have ever had.” Enrollment saw an increase of 33% in applications, 23% in accepts, and 20% in deposits. End products included: brand standards manual; department level “mini brand manuals;” accessible photo archives; viewbook; program/department brochures and 75 supportive collateral items.

“I’ve had the opportunity to work with other marketing consultants. I’ve also tried to do everything in-house. What Dave Grout provides is something I haven’t found elsewhere. Their expertise and ability to adapt to who they’re working with, while being rigorously honest, allows them to be a real, true partner. They don’t simply come in and tell you what to do, but they come in and learn who you are before working together to figure out a path to move forward. They will push you and challenge you, but you will be in a better position because of it.”

–Mac Ingmire
VP of Admissions