FinHub - Timberline Team Consulting
Timberline Team Consulting provides businesses with advising for marketing programs, brand management, and strategy implementation. Dave Grout founded Timberline Team in 2005. Since 2005 the company has consulted with various non-profits, churches, schools, and more.
consulting, advising, marketing, brand management, strategy implementation, dave grout, grace college, timberline team, timberline, timberline team consulting
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Project Lead: Dan Pinkous
Title:  President / Owner
Contact Info:
Date of Project: June 2019 -July 2019

Problem:  Develop a brand from the ground up for a start up application company which embodied its desire to create a platform for clients and providers to exchange information and build relationship.

Project: Worked with the owner to build and design a brand mark, color pallet, typography, standards template and start up materials for use to gain funding and launch the company.

Results: Brand identity packet, primary and secondary color pallets, font bundles/architecture

“I didn’t realize how much I needed help. I originally came to Dave for his network of talented creatives, but I got so much more. I didn’t know it, but I needed a conductor to help orchestrate my brand story and voice. What Dave provided first was the depth of insight to draw out the life and deep contours of my brand. He asked sagely, insightful questions that demonstrated his passion and extensive expertise in helping clients to gain clarity. Then he coordinated his team around the task of telling a single, harmonious story through all the creative elements. He fused together all this complexity into one, powerful message in a way that I never could have on my own. In addition, he was sure to get crystal clear and focus on my personal desired outcomes in a refreshing way. He followed up regularly to make sure that his team was doing everything possible to help me achieve those outcomes. I’m so glad that I turned to you for help. Thank you, Dave!“

–Dan Pinkous