User Friendly Consulting - Timberline Team Consulting
Timberline Team Consulting provides businesses with advising for marketing programs, brand management, and strategy implementation. Dave Grout founded Timberline Team in 2005. Since 2005 the company has consulted with various non-profits, churches, schools, and more.
consulting, advising, marketing, brand management, strategy implementation, dave grout, grace college, timberline team, timberline, timberline team consulting
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User Friendly Consulting

Project Lead: Travis Spangler
Title: Operations Director
Contact Info:
Date of Project:  Fall, 2014

Problem:  UFC’s future customers were having difficulty understanding the complexities of the software solutions they were providing.  Create a video which explained the multi-level accounting software into an easy to understand solution.

Project: Video process services project

Results: Three-minute animated video explaining the accounting software.

 “Collaborating with the Timberline Team was truly an enjoyable experience. Everything from initial design, to scripting, to filming was done professionally and exceeded expectations. Also, the creativity of the Timberline Team was superb! Their willingness to accept and implement feedback ensured a high quality final product. The final film has been seen by thousands of people and has received much praise from our corporate colleagues and customers. We’ll definitely be seeking Timberline Team’s help on our next video project!”

–Travis Spangler, General Manager – UFC